Debug overview

Helpers for debugging applications during development. These should be assumed to be unsafe and shouldn’t make their way into production code.

Added in v0.2.0

Table of contents

3 Functions


Log the provided string to the console and immediately return the generic argument. This is useful in the middle of pipe/flow chains.

The trace function should only be used for debugging. The function is not referentially transparent: its type indicates that it is a pure function but it has the side effect of outputting the trace message.


export declare const trace: (msg: string) => <A>(x: A) => A
trace :: string -> a -> a


import { trace } from 'fp-ts-std/Debug'
import { flow } from 'fp-ts/function'

const double = (n: number): number => n * 2
const toString = (n: number): string => String(n)

// Will log: "my log message"
const doubledString: (n: number) => string = flow(double, trace('my log message'), toString)

// Actual function/pipeline behaviour is unaffected:
assert.strictEqual(doubledString(2), '4')

Added in v0.2.0


Like traceWithValue, but first processes the value via Show.


export declare const traceShowWithValue: <A>(S: Show<A>) => (msg: string) => (x: A) => A
traceShowWithValue :: Show a -> string -> a -> a


import { traceShowWithValue } from 'fp-ts-std/Debug'
import { flow } from 'fp-ts/function'
import * as Num from 'fp-ts/number'

const double = (n: number): number => n * 2
const toString = (n: number): string => String(n)

// Will log: "my log message: <Shown value>"
const doubledString: (n: number) => string = flow(double, traceShowWithValue(Num.Show)('my log message: '), toString)

// Actual function/pipeline behaviour is unaffected:
assert.strictEqual(doubledString(2), '4')

Added in v0.16.0


Like trace, but logs the generic value too.


export declare const traceWithValue: (msg: string) => <A>(x: A) => A
traceWithValue :: string -> a -> a


import { traceWithValue } from 'fp-ts-std/Debug'
import { flow } from 'fp-ts/function'

const double = (n: number): number => n * 2
const toString = (n: number): string => String(n)

// Will log: "my log message: <value>"
const doubledString: (n: number) => string = flow(double, traceWithValue('my log message: '), toString)

// Actual function/pipeline behaviour is unaffected:
assert.strictEqual(doubledString(2), '4')

Added in v0.2.0