Enum overview

This module is experimental.

Not to be confused with TypeScript’s enums, this module refers to enumeration, modelled similarly to PureScript’s BoundedEnum.

Most functions in this module are extremely expensive if called on instances of very large types.

Added in v0.17.0

Table of contents

0 Types

Enum (type alias)

Typeclass for finite enumerations.

The retraction laws state that when operations succeed, succ and pred reverse one-another: pred >=> succ >=> pred = pred succ >=> pred >=> succ = succ

The non-skipping laws state that calls to succ and pred should not skip any members of the given type. For example, an instance for a sum type of ordered members A, B, and C should traverse the members like so: A <-> B <-> C, skipping no member and following the order defined by the Ord instance.

fromEnum should always return an integer. toEnum should not accept non-integer inputs. They should both be zero-based.


export type Enum<A> = Bounded<A> & {
  succ: (x: A) => Option<A>
  pred: (x: A) => Option<A>
  toEnum: (index: number) => Option<A>
  fromEnum: (x: A) => number
  cardinality: Lazy<number>
type Enum a = Bounded a & { succ: a -> Option a, pred: a -> Option a, toEnum: number -> Option a, fromEnum: a -> number, cardinality: Lazy number }


import * as Bool from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'
import { universe } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'

assert.deepStrictEqual(universe(Bool.Enum), [false, true])

Added in v0.17.0

1 Typeclass Instances


Produces an Enum instance that’s potentially both unlawful and unsafe from a list of values. Convenient for partially enumerating wide or deep types that contain a few very large types such as strings.

The instance will be unsafe if xs does not contain every member of A. If this is the case, the only function that can throw is fromEnum.

Behaviour in case of duplicate values is unspecified.


export declare const getUnsafeConstantEnum: <A>(Ord: Ord<A>) => (xs: NonEmptyArray<A>) => Enum<A>
getUnsafeConstantEnum :: Ord a -> NonEmptyArray a -> Enum a


import { Enum, getUnsafeConstantEnum } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import * as Bool from 'fp-ts/boolean'
import { Enum as EnumBool1 } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

// A safe instance equivalent to the real instance albeit with worse
// performance characteristics.
const EnumBool2: Enum<boolean> = getUnsafeConstantEnum(Bool.Ord)([false, true])

assert.strictEqual(EnumBool2.fromEnum(true), 1)

assert.strictEqual(EnumBool1.fromEnum(true), EnumBool2.fromEnum(true))
assert.strictEqual(EnumBool1.fromEnum(false), EnumBool2.fromEnum(false))

Added in v0.17.0

2 Typeclass Methods


Produces all predecessors of start exclusive.


export declare const downFromExcl: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (end: A) => A[]
downFromExcl :: Enum a -> a -> Array a


import { downFromExcl } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

const f = downFromExcl(EnumBool)

assert.deepStrictEqual(f(true), [false])
assert.deepStrictEqual(f(false), [])

Added in v0.17.0


Produces all predecessors of start inclusive.


export declare const downFromIncl: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (start: A) => NonEmptyArray<A>
downFromIncl :: Enum a -> a -> NonEmptyArray a


import { downFromIncl } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

const f = downFromIncl(EnumBool)

assert.deepStrictEqual(f(true), [true, false])
assert.deepStrictEqual(f(false), [false])

Added in v0.17.0


Returns a sequence of elements from first until limit with step size determined by the difference between first and second. Behaviour is unspecified if end is not greater than start or step is non-positive.


export declare const fromThenTo: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (first: A) => (second: A) => (limit: A) => NonEmptyArray<A>
fromThenTo :: Enum a -> a -> a -> a -> NonEmptyArray a


import { fromThenTo } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { EnumInt } from 'fp-ts-std/Number'

const f = fromThenTo(EnumInt)

assert.deepStrictEqual(f(0)(2)(6), [0, 2, 4, 6])
assert.deepStrictEqual(f(0)(3)(5), [0, 3])

Added in v0.17.0


Returns a contiguous sequence of elements between start and end inclusive. Behaviour is unspecified if end is not greater than start.


export declare const fromTo: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (start: A) => (limit: A) => NonEmptyArray<A>
fromTo :: Enum a -> a -> a -> NonEmptyArray a


import { fromTo } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { EnumInt } from 'fp-ts-std/Number'

const range = fromTo(EnumInt)

assert.deepStrictEqual(range(0)(3), [0, 1, 2, 3])

Added in v0.17.0


Creates a fallible function that’s the inverse of f. f is expected to return distinct B values for any given A; behaviour when this is not the case is unspecified.

Inverse mapping can be thought of as akin to a partial isomorphism. If the types are totally isomorphic, consider instead defining an isomorphism to do away with the infallibility.


export declare const inverseMap: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => <B>(Eq: Eq<B>) => (f: (x: A) => B) => (x: B) => O.Option<A>


import { inverseMap } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'
import { Show as ShowBool } from 'fp-ts/boolean'
import * as Str from 'fp-ts/string'
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'

const parseBool = inverseMap(EnumBool)(Str.Eq)(ShowBool.show)

assert.deepStrictEqual(parseBool('true'), O.some(true))
assert.deepStrictEqual(parseBool('false'), O.some(false))
assert.deepStrictEqual(parseBool('foobar'), O.none)

Added in v0.17.0


Enumerates every value of an Enum in ascending order.


export declare const universe: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => NonEmptyArray<A>
universe :: Enum a -> NonEmptyArray a


import { universe } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

assert.deepStrictEqual(universe(EnumBool), [false, true])

Added in v0.17.0


Produces all successors of start exclusive.


export declare const upFromExcl: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (start: A) => A[]
upFromExcl :: Enum a -> a -> Array a


import { upFromExcl } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

const f = upFromExcl(EnumBool)

assert.deepStrictEqual(f(false), [true])
assert.deepStrictEqual(f(true), [])

Added in v0.17.0


Produces all successors of start inclusive.


export declare const upFromIncl: <A>(E: Enum<A>) => (start: A) => NonEmptyArray<A>
upFromIncl :: Enum a -> a -> NonEmptyArray a


import { upFromIncl } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

const f = upFromIncl(EnumBool)

assert.deepStrictEqual(f(false), [false, true])
assert.deepStrictEqual(f(true), [true])

Added in v0.17.0

3 Functions


Provides a default, inefficient implementation of cardinality.


export declare const defaultCardinality: <A>(
  E: Pick<Enum<A>, 'top' | 'bottom' | 'compare' | 'equals' | 'succ' | 'pred' | 'toEnum' | 'fromEnum'>
) => number
defaultCardinality :: Pick (Enum a) ("top" | ("bottom" | ("compare" | ("equals" | ("succ" | ("pred" | ("toEnum" | "fromEnum"))))))) -> number


import { defaultCardinality } from 'fp-ts-std/Enum'
import { Enum as EnumBool } from 'fp-ts-std/Boolean'

assert.strictEqual(defaultCardinality(EnumBool), 2)

Added in v0.17.0