ReadonlyStruct overview

This module targets readonly objects in the sense of product types. For readonly objects in the sense of maps see the Record module.

Added in v0.14.0

Table of contents

3 Functions


Get the value for a key in a struct.


export declare const get: <K extends string>(k: K) => <A>(x: Readonly<Record<K, A>>) => A
get :: k extends string => k -> Readonly (Record k a) -> a


import { get } from 'fp-ts-std/Struct'

type Person = { name: string; age: number }
const person: Person = { name: 'Albert', age: 76 }

const getName = get('name')

assert.strictEqual(getName(person), 'Albert')

Added in v0.17.0


Merge two readonly structs together. For merging many identical structs, instead consider defining a semigroup.


export declare const merge: <A, B>(x: A) => <C extends B>(y: C) => A & C
merge :: c extends b => a -> c -> a & c


import { merge } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'

assert.deepStrictEqual(merge({ a: 1, b: 2 })({ b: 'two', c: true }), { a: 1, b: 'two', c: true })

Added in v0.14.0


Omit a set of keys from a readonly struct. The value-level equivalent of the Omit type.


export declare const omit: <K extends string>(
  ks: readonly K[]
) => <V, A extends Readonly<Record<K, V>>>(x: A) => Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, K>>
omit :: k extends string, a extends (Readonly (Record k v)) => Array k -> a -> Pick a (Exclude (keyof a) k)


import { omit } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'

const sansB = omit(['b'])

assert.deepStrictEqual(sansB({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }), { a: 1, c: [true] })

Added in v0.14.0


Like omit, but allows you to specify the input struct upfront.


export declare const omitFrom: <A>() => <K extends keyof A & string>(
  ks: readonly K[]
) => (x: A) => Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, K>>
omitFrom :: k extends ((keyof a) & string) => () -> Array k -> a -> Pick a (Exclude (keyof a) k)


import { omitFrom } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'

type MyType = { a: number; b: string; c: ReadonlyArray<boolean> }
const sansB = omitFrom<MyType>()(['b'])

assert.deepStrictEqual(sansB({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }), { a: 1, c: [true] })

Added in v0.15.0


Pick a set of keys from a readonly struct. The value-level equivalent of the Pick type.


export declare const pick: <A extends object, K extends keyof A>(ks: readonly K[]) => (x: A) => Pick<A, K>
pick :: a extends object, k extends (keyof a) => Array k -> a -> Pick a k


import { pick } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'

const picked = pipe({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }, pick(['a', 'c']))

assert.deepStrictEqual(picked, { a: 1, c: [true] })

Added in v0.14.0


Like pick, but allows you to specify the input struct upfront.


export declare const pickFrom: <A extends object>() => <K extends keyof A>(ks: readonly K[]) => (x: A) => Pick<A, K>
pickFrom :: a extends object, k extends (keyof a) => () -> Array k -> a -> Pick a k


import { pickFrom } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'

type MyType = { a: number; b: string; c: ReadonlyArray<boolean> }
const picked = pickFrom<MyType>()(['a', 'c'])

assert.deepStrictEqual(picked({ a: 1, b: 'two', c: [true] }), { a: 1, c: [true] })

Added in v0.14.0


Rename a key in a struct, preserving the value. If the new key already exists, the old key will be overwritten. Optionality is preserved.


export declare const renameKey: <I extends string>(
  oldK: I
) => <J extends string>(
  newK: J
) => <A extends MaybePartial<Readonly<Record<I, unknown>>>>(
  x: A
) => Readonly<{ [K in keyof A as K extends I ? J : K]: A[K] }>
renameKey :: i extends string, j extends string, a extends (MaybePartial (Readonly (Record i unknown))) => i -> j -> a -> Readonly { [k in (keyof a) as k extends i ? j : k]: a[k] }


import { renameKey } from 'fp-ts-std/Struct'

type Foo = { a: string; b: number }
type Bar = { a: string; c: number }

const fooBar: (x: Foo) => Bar = renameKey('b')('c')

Added in v0.15.0


Provide default values for an object with optional properties.


export declare const withDefaults: <
  T extends Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>,
  PT extends Exact<{ [K in OptionalKeys<T>]-?: Exclude<T[K], undefined> }, PT>
  defaults: PT
) => (t: T) => Readonly<PT & T>


import { withDefaults } from 'fp-ts-std/ReadonlyStruct'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'

const aOptB: { a: number; b?: string } = { a: 1 }

assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(aOptB, withDefaults({ b: 'foo' })), { a: 1, b: 'foo' })

Added in v0.15.0