Isomorphism overview

This module and its namesake type formalise the notion of isomorphism.

Two types which are isomorphic can be considered for all intents and purposes to be equivalent. Any two types with the same cardinality are isomorphic, for example boolean and 0 | 1. It is potentially possible to define many valid isomorphisms between two types.

Added in v0.13.0

Table of contents

0 Types

Isomorphism (type alias)

An isomorphism is formed between two reversible, lossless functions. The order of the types is irrelevant.


export type Isomorphism<A, B> = {
  to: (x: A) => B
  from: (x: B) => A
type Isomorphism a b = { to: a -> b, from: b -> a }

Added in v0.13.0

1 Typeclass Instances


Derive a Monoid for B given a Monoid for A and an Isomorphism between the two types.


export declare const deriveMonoid: <A, B>(I: Isomorphism<A, B>) => (M: Monoid<A>) => Monoid<B>
deriveMonoid :: Isomorphism a b -> Monoid a -> Monoid b


import * as Iso from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import { Isomorphism } from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import * as Bool from 'fp-ts/boolean'

type Binary = 0 | 1

const isoBoolBinary: Isomorphism<boolean, Binary> = {
  to: (x) => (x ? 1 : 0),
  from: Boolean,

const monoidBinaryAll = Iso.deriveMonoid(isoBoolBinary)(Bool.MonoidAll)

assert.strictEqual(monoidBinaryAll.empty, 1)
assert.strictEqual(monoidBinaryAll.concat(0, 1), 0)
assert.strictEqual(monoidBinaryAll.concat(1, 1), 1)

Added in v0.13.0


Derive a Semigroup for B given a Semigroup for A and an Isomorphism between the two types.


export declare const deriveSemigroup: <A, B>(I: Isomorphism<A, B>) => (S: Semigroup<A>) => Semigroup<B>
deriveSemigroup :: Isomorphism a b -> Semigroup a -> Semigroup b


import * as Iso from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import { Isomorphism } from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import * as Bool from 'fp-ts/boolean'

type Binary = 0 | 1

const isoBoolBinary: Isomorphism<boolean, Binary> = {
  to: (x) => (x ? 1 : 0),
  from: Boolean,

const semigroupBinaryAll = Iso.deriveSemigroup(isoBoolBinary)(Bool.SemigroupAll)

assert.strictEqual(semigroupBinaryAll.concat(0, 1), 0)
assert.strictEqual(semigroupBinaryAll.concat(1, 1), 1)

Added in v0.13.0

3 Functions


Isomorphisms can be composed together much like functions. Consider this type signature a window into category theory!


export declare const compose: <A, B>(F: Isomorphism<A, B>) => <C>(G: Isomorphism<B, C>) => Isomorphism<A, C>
compose :: Isomorphism a b -> Isomorphism b c -> Isomorphism a c


import * as Iso from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import { Isomorphism } from 'fp-ts-std/Isomorphism'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either'
import { Either } from 'fp-ts/Either'

type Side = Either<null, null>
type Binary = 0 | 1

const isoSideBool: Isomorphism<Side, boolean> = {
  to: E.isRight,
  from: (x) => (x ? E.right(null) : E.left(null)),

const isoBoolBinary: Isomorphism<boolean, Binary> = {
  to: (x) => (x ? 1 : 0),
  from: Boolean,

const isoSideBinary: Isomorphism<Side, Binary> = Iso.compose(isoSideBool)(isoBoolBinary)

assert.strictEqual(, 0)
assert.strictEqual(, 1)
assert.deepStrictEqual(isoSideBinary.from(0), E.left(null))
assert.deepStrictEqual(isoSideBinary.from(1), E.right(null))

Added in v0.13.0


Convert a monocle-ts Iso to an Isomorphism.


export declare const fromIso: <A, B>(I: Iso<A, B>) => Isomorphism<A, B>
fromIso :: Iso a b -> Isomorphism a b

Added in v0.13.0


Reverse the order of the types in an Isomorphism.


export declare const reverse: <A, B>(I: Isomorphism<A, B>) => Isomorphism<B, A>
reverse :: Isomorphism a b -> Isomorphism b a

Added in v0.13.0


Convert an Isomorphism to a monocle-ts Iso.


export declare const toIso: <A, B>(I: Isomorphism<A, B>) => Iso<A, B>
toIso :: Isomorphism a b -> Iso a b

Added in v0.13.0